We have had a lot of rain lately and you’ve probably noticed that some roads drain well and some roads are chronically flooded. There are a lot of variables that contribute to flooded roads, and clogged leaching basins are just … Read more
Annual maintenance dredging at the Georgica Pond gut started on January 6, 2020. Overwash sand is excavated from the pond and temporarily stockpiled until it can be distributed to nearby dunes.… Read more
Inside the thick, knobby shell of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) is a velvety creature that is constantly filtering seawater—this is how it feeds itself. As filter feeders, these bivalves can improve water … Read more
Sometimes you have to leave home and visit someplace else to
get a better perspective of your own world. That is just what a few members of Friends of Georgica Pond Foundation (FOGP) did in October when we headed to … Read more