At least 23 old, polluting septic systems have been replaced in the Georgica Pond watershed by state-of-the-art nitrogen-reducing ones and approximately 13 are in the planning stage. These new septic systems remove almost 80-90% of the nitrogen from wastewater entering
Blue-green algae, more properly referred to as cyanobacteria—they are not algae—are one of the oldest forms of life on earth. Neither plant nor animal, they are true bacteria in their own kingdom. But they are a bacteria that can … Read more
November 1 is rapidly approaching and with it the deadline to stop using fertilizer in Suffolk County. According to the Long Island Nitrogen Action Plan cooler temperatures slow plant growth and the bacterial activity in the soil so that soluble … Read more
The East Hampton Town Trustees opened Georgica Pond yesterday. The twice yearly opening restores the pond and promotes the migration of fish and other species.… Read more
There is perhaps no other fish better adapted to the conditions at Georgica Pond than the Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus). This small, plain-looking fish plays a major role in the ecology of Georgica Pond, is an important economic resource, … Read more