National CleanUp Day

On Saturday, September 21, Friends of Georgica Pond Foundation will be joining up with the East Hampton Litter Action Committee, and the Wainscott Citizens Advisory Committee to participate in National CleanUp Day.

National CleanUp Day was established in 2017 and is the largest single-day cleanup event in the US. Over two million volunteers participated last year.

The Wainscott CleanUp will start at 10 a.m.

Meet at the Rt. 27 Rest Stop (south side). Wear brightly colored clothing, bring gloves, and sun protection. Garbage bags and safety vests will be provided while they last. We will clean up the Rest Stop followed by the adjacent Georgica Pond Preserve, owned by the Peconic Land Trust. Cleaning up these two areas will help keep garbage out of Georgica Pond—roadside litter is not only a blight but it is an environmental threat to our wildlife and aquatic resources.

See you there!